I thought I was good but then…
This app started as a cute little virtual pet, you can choose out of many different animals and mythical creatures. There are many translation errors in it, I assume from Chinese, but it doesn’t bother me too much (except for some that have swearing in them for some reason). But then I didn’t use my phone very much for about a week. In doing so, I forgot that I had this app. I saw it on the App Library suggested apps, and decided to see what was going on with it. My pet was gone, replaced by a sign saying “You have not cared for your pet, it is about to run away from home” with a 30-minute timer. In order to call it back, I need 3 ‘magic potions’ which cost 36 gems (in-game currency) each. Aka, minimum $5 in idk AUD, USD, or what. Anyway, while writing this review the timer has ended and my pet has ran away. No big deal for me, I wasn’t too attached to it, but still annoying. The sole purpose of that is most likely just to get you addicted to it, not good. Also devs are money hungry. If you just want a little thing to say hi to every now and then, this is not it.