Doesn’t work consistently, but it does work a lot.
Having trouble with WSJ and MSN which is frustrating. Overall it works on many sites. News media used to provide us with news coverage at the fair and reasonable price of having advertising put in front of our eyes and ears. Then the media got greedy. Now we are supposed to pay significant sums of money to dozens and even scores (that’s twenties in case your forgot) of subscriptions AND also get advertising to get the news. This happened in the 80’s with software. MS charged $399 for Word and $399 for excel and so on. So businesses mostly paid and people pirated it. Then office finally settled on $99 and most people paid for it. It was a fair price and affordable and most of us would like to be ethical. The same is true of online news. Right now they are charging $399 per product. And people want a way to pirate the news. When they come up with fair and reasonable pricing I think most people will go legit. But for now apps like Praxus will prevail.