Amazing AAC
I have a year free, tbh. I do know that I would be slightly bummed to pay per month considering LAMP wfl or P2G are one payment only. butt for $10 it is so WORTH IT! Using Proloquo is the only AAC I’ve heard of that ensures language development by NOT allowing full customization. This might feel like a big problem for others butt once you begin to understand all the the barriers between accessibility and language you begin to realize that everyone deserves robust language and no one should be allowed to take that away from the person. Proloquo is set up beautifully and the choices the creators made become more understable after a few lessons and playing around with sentences, folders, and grammar. Proloquo coach is so smart! They use visuals, blogs, first hand accounts, and tons of researched explained simply for someone new to AAC. Proloquo paired with Proloquo coach and one of my favorite books “AAC visualized” is a trifecta of easy to use tools to begin your AAC journey. I’m interested to know how this newer Proloquo works in accompaniment with add on devices such as eye tracking. We Love You AAC 😊