I like it. Work on Cheap Weekly Passes and Monthly Passes
I like the Day-Pass. Can there be cheaper Weekly Passes? $10 Week Passes? And why aren’t Honorable War Veterans treated the same on the Free Pass? But for functionality and use of the app, 5-Star. Buses should run 24-hours for “Night Workers”. Many of those Night Workers are in the food industry, low level security guards, and servers who cannot afford Uber/Lyft after the 2am bus leaves. That is 2am to 6am is also can reduce local drunk drivers and reduce traffic in the city, which is the Primary Goal of the METRO. The app is solid, so “5/5” Stars, but it is dependant on phone intenet, so a lost phone or powerout, then simply pay cash at the bus (redundacy is good and outside of the scope of the app). Houston is a 24/7 Mega Metropolis City with millions of passange, so treats a year, so keep them buses running and clean.