The Perfect Looper : Creative Paradise
I have used this for years on ipad and it is lightyears ahead of even the most popular harware units. I have used most of them over the years, and this is just so nice in comparison. That being said, I never really used it in a live setting only because I never felt confident in the way the Ipad syncs with Ableton. It works great when it works, but it has a high rate of failure. If I was soley using an ipad to perform, this would have been a no brainer, but I use Ableton Live for performance, and this just wasn't playing nice with ipad. Not to mention having to run a separate audio interface. Fast forward, I just upgraded to an M3 silicone MBP and now this is literally the perfect looper. It syncs perfectly with LINK. I route the looper outputs directly into Live for a seamless experience. It never crashes, and barely takes any CPU. I really can't say enough good things about Quantiloop. There are a long list of things that make it superior to any software or hardware, and it solves so many of the problems that looping artists face. You just have to try it and you will understand what I mean! One of my favorite problem solvers is the way you can use this app to instantly set Live's tempo based on the loop you just made in Quantiloop. No more playing to set timing. Just play a loop at any tempo and everything in Live just follows perfectly. I don't know of any other looper that does this job with zero headache. It just works! The amount of personal configuration is perfect for the Looping artist that knows exacly what they want. For the beginner who is just getting into looping, this will be your best bet right out of the box. Seriously, buy this and support this developer. It is pure genius, and I pray they never stop evolving this project. I would love to see a dedicated OSX version!!!!