Suggestion for Hero class
Assassin hero class: Ripper Core passive skill: Master of arms 1/7 = Ripper as a weapons expert has two sets of skills by equipping either “shuriken stars” which benefits from ranged damage bonus and skill damage versus “kusarigama” (chain sickle) for mid range which benefits from melee damage and auto attack damage. When using shurikens, ripper’s LEFT skill tree branch becomes active and when using kusarigama, ripper’s RIGHT skill tree branch becomes active. 4/7: Gains flat rate of 40% skill crit chance when using either of ripper’s weapons. Doing crit damage grants ignore def and anti flee 7/7: Allows ripper to equip both shuriken stars and kusarigama by occupying offhand slot. This activates both skill tree and allowing ripper to use all skills at the same time and gaining both ranged, melee, aa, skill dmg, and flat 80% skill crit chance. This includes enchants from arch & melee. Please let me know what you think. I believe I speak for everyone when I say that an assassin hero class is what a lot of people are waiting for, just thought I’d put my suggestion to hopefully speed things up.