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To put it simply, I used to play Run Roo Run in the past on an older device, but I never beat the game due to how difficult it was for me as a kid and not an adult like I am now, but upon seeing it wasn't in any of the apps me or my family had previously downloaded, I searched it up in the app store, and there it was. It seemed to have a new name in the title though when it autofilled in the Search Bar, but I tapped it anyway, only to download the game and be met with something popping up and overlaying the nostalgic title screen, and it requests me to make a subscription just to play the game. Whoever did this needs to back off on childhood favorite games, like if a fun game I used to play as a kid like Jetpack Joyride or Colossatron suddenly asked me to hecking play the game EXCLUSIVELY via a subscription first instead of just letting me play the game like before, then I'd never play it again. This is NOT how you gain fans on the internet. Way to pull a 'Nintendo', and end up putting everything behind a payment of some kind, like DLC or the subscription for Nintendo Switch Online. It's absurd and only drives once-dedicated fans like me away, but that's different because it isn't from a game I had previously gotten before, and it doesn't force me to pay upfront instead of letting me just play half of the game and lock the rest behind a one-time payment that's accessible with a 'restore purchases' option manually and/or automatically without having me reach out directly to the current owners of the app using my personal information that I'm pretty much giving them if I had typed up a complain to them. (Like my Email Address, because I consider that personal information.) #FreeTheRoo -From A Disappointed Anonymous User.