Misleading Description
In the description of this app, the first line states “Record the entire screen with audio & facecam”. This wording led me to believe that I could record my screen while also choosing to either record audio or face cam at the same time. What it actually is a choice between screen recording (with mic on or off for audio), audio recording, or face cam recording in response to a pre-existing video. There are so many apps that do the same exact thing. Why would I pay a weekly, monthly or yearly subscription to an app when I can pay less (and only once in some cases) or nothing at all with other options that have a much nicer user interface and don’t take up extra space with unnecessary features like in app games. I was really hoping this would solve the dilemma of needing a Screen Recorder that allowed face cam recording at the same time in order to react to gameplay, etc., but here I am back to the hunt for a good app.