Nice and long but a bit too easy?
The premise is very close to the knuckle of what is going on at the moment but makes our current situation look fun and cute in comparison.. Lots of different places to explore and lots of storyline without too much unnecessary dialogue. Good voice acting and nothing irritating about it.. Fun retro style point and click with very dark notes. Negatives Objects tend to find their place very quickly within the place they are used so little backwards and forwards but with that, no real challenge to be found. Arguably one or two ‘puzzles’ to solve with so much heavy hinting to ensure the idiots playing don’t miss anything. Linear playing style until the very end so different endings can be achieved just by replaying the final moments. Worth a try 100% and the storyline and length is good enough to keep going. Maybe next time give us point and click fans a bit of credit.. don’t worry we enjoy using an object on every single thing in every scene available over and over. It’s what we do..