The actual game is great and I highly recommend you purchase the table-top version. The app, however, is a ridiculous version of a free game that in order to simply play a regular game you gotta pay e-v-e-r-y single thing. Cmon guys?! Just release a paid version(we’ve all got mouths to feed right?) that we can play as much as we want. This thing, besides of being annoying and begging to be deleted, is offensive to the senses! Ads, coins (the free coins allows you to play ONCE A DAY) and silly adventures are just plain dumb. The mechanics of the actual game are great so why the hell would I want a submarine and go diving for prizes?! It’s like playing poker and asking for players to find crumbles on the floor. PS: there are other games that use the game rules/mechanics and many people are flocking to them(even though they are poorly designed)