This game combines the tactical and strategic possibilities of chess with the dynamic and surprising qualities of soccer.
Learn the rules of the game in 4 short lessons - Soccer and chess connoisseurs, will learn the lessons in short time:
- Two players compete against each other (black against white). An AI simulates one of the two players.
- Winner is the player who scores more goals
- The opponent's figure can only be hit if it has the ball
Practice the basics of the game - Learn the basic moves, passes and combination options directly:
- In each turn, a player may make up to 3 figures or ball movements, but each figure only once
- Figures and ball can only be moved according to the rules of chess
Play your first game - Defeat the AI on the difficulty level of your choice:
A game consists of two halves, extended by sudden death in the event of a tie
Each half offers x game rounds (x depending on the game)
- In each game round, each player has a maximum of 3 moves (move figures or ball)
Become champion and win all cups - The cups differ by skill levels and rules
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