Solitaire Arena
For all the ads and promises in the ‘blurb’, for all that it has no mention of ‘In App Purchases’ - you will be expected to put down ‘Credit Card Deposits’ to enter what are labelled ‘Free’ entry games - they simply want your location but ‘oh dear - that didn’t work, a deposit is needed to enter….’ If you’re willing to gamble - that would be fine if it was ADVERTISED AS SUCH - but given how they push this as guaranteed cash back but want entry fees from what you may have won and CREDIT CARD DEPOSITS being required - I cannot recommend or even think it okay for anyone to download this app. First warning is when you have to (simply) click a button saying you’re over 18!! Up to you if you’re willing to spend on a ‘speed’ game of solitaire with difficult care decks. Uninstalling immediately along with the one other I got from this group! Shame!