Rather Arbitrary Test
I took this on a whim cause I’ve heard preachers mention them from the pulpit, and if this app is representative of the world of spiritual gift tests, I’m not impressed. Many of the questions repeat themselves. Some are logical traps, where a negative answer is only possible for a psychopathic sort, and others are entirely based on feelings, which can change by the hour.... When you do finally make it to the end, you might surprised to find that several spiritual gifts have been added to the list, including things that every Christian is supposed to do (like discipleship e.g Matthew 28:19-20), or the “spiritual gift” of marriage. Marriage is assuredly a gift/plan of God for the vast majority of believers, but it is in no way a unique gifting of God for the edification of the saints (at least not in the Bible). If you’re wrestling with God’s purpose for your life, don’t look to online tests, look to the Bible, and look to a pastor that knows and cares for you.