App getting worse
I dont know if men are minority of this app users, but... Lets make Ack button smaller and place it near another button, to make it harder to aim. Then... It’s a big issue and we’re sending lots of notifications? Let’s hide “Ack all of your triggered incidents” under “. . .”, engineer should learn our app during incident or click on each incident separately to lose his time. And last: We heard you like feature to take on-call in one click navigating to on-call engineer. Well, we made 3 improvements here: first, we will stop showing you for which team engineer is being on-call atm. You have to findout first. Then let’ remove on-call status from profile also. Haha, you clicked on every engineer and didn’t foun who’s on-call. And also finally anyway we removed take on-call from mobile. Go to web version, that’s what we’re trying to tell you. Stop using phone, switch back to emails...