Create Sun Maps for your garden so that you can easily track how much sunlight your garden is getting throughout the day.
The most reliable way to create a sun map is to take photos yourself, so that you can see exactly when and where the light is hitting your garden. To help you with this, Sun Mapper has the following features:
- Identify the garden(s) that you will be creating sun maps for*
- Set up your sun map so that photos will be taken/uploaded at specific intervals throughout the day
- Each sun map is identified by the garden it is for, the date it is recorded and the camera angle
- Create multiple sun maps for the same garden*
- (You may want to create multiple sun maps for different seasons or for different camera angles)
- Upload from your photo library or take a picture with the in-app camera
- Add photos at each interval throughout the day
- Get notified when it is time to take/upload another photo.
- Tap forward or backward through the sun map images and see how the light changes throughout the day
- Auto-play to have slideshow run automatically
TRACE SUNLIGHT (In-App Purchase)
- For each image in your sun map, trace a shape over the areas hit by sunlight
- Align images so that when overlaid, the sunlight tracings are in the right place
- View the composite sunlight tracing, showing how many total hours each area of your garden gets hit with sunlight
- Observe photos from selected sun maps side-by-side to see how light hits differently at each time throughout the day
- Compare from 2-4 sun maps at a time
- Align images so that objects stay in the same place, and the only thing that changes is where the sunlight hits
- Turn on 'Repeat' so that the slideshow automatically starts over and continues playing
- Turn on 'Fade' so that each image fades into the next (works great with aligned images!)
*Limit is 2 gardens and 2 sun maps per garden, or unlimited with an In-App Purchase.
Want me to develop your app? Email me at
[email protected]