It's a beauty. Don't believe the negative complainers! The remarkable collection of the supercharged musical themes enhanced with the legendary , signature voice, " Welcome to Tabata!" It wakes you up in 3,2,1... The Greatest Tutorials, the Unreleased Songs, The Phenomenal All New Workouts… No matter how tired you are after a long, excruciating day... No matter how exhausted after a long commute- Welcome to Tabata Plus Songs!!! Regardless of your location, at the Everest's Base Camp , or onboard of a nuclear submarine- the app will help to revitalize! No need for the internet! The epitome of simplicity, the standard of reliability- it was designed to be enjoyed! No, it is NOT a highly sophisticated WOD timer with a zillion of bells and whistles that will record every heart beat, every training session, and speak with your Mama's voice! It DOES have a lot of the demos for the exercises , the exclusive “Follow Along” commercial and ad-free Workouts. You must know: There are some "guided" TABATA segments here, in the App's library , such as "Tabata Warmup", "Tabata Gravity Challenge ", but you must have the BASIC KNOWLEDGE OF SOME EXERCISES , such as pull-ups, Mountain Climbers etc. The App represents a collection of TABATA SONGS PLUS that is constantly expanded, updated, and keeps you motivated! It is the Whole New World of Tabata Songs Plus you had never seen before! Don’t know the kettlebells?? Come here and learn the time proven techniques from the greatest trainers!! If you are a Tabata junkie- this is just another shiny, beautiful, and USEFUL tool in your armaments, your Training Tool Box! I salute the sensational App Support Team for the immediate communication, patience, and professional attitude! To the Developer: Outstanding! Exceptionally well done! Bravo!