TAS Mobile is the ultimate field-data collection tool for retail real estate. If you have a TAS Online login, TAS Mobile provides access to all your TAS Online real estate data, information, and knowledge right from your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. When you fix a store location, attach photos to a store, or add comments, these are available immediately to everyone else in your company.
TAS Mobile contains a huge database of retail store locations and allows you to assess the viability of potential sites based on the competitive landscape.
* Huge database of store locations available by store category including apparel stores, auto dealers and auto parts, category killers, chain convenience stores, department stores, discount stores, drug stores/pharmacy, check cashing, grocery stores, home centers/hardware, home furnishings, restaurants, specialty retail, and specialty services.
* Stores are symbolized by chain
* School locations
* College locations
* Bank locations
* Create rings around retail store or point locations
* Create basic demographic reports
* Create basic thematic maps
* Aerial and bird’s eye photos
Additionally, TAS Online users can:
* Access to their company’s licensed and proprietary store data
* Access to their company’s licensed demographic data and any other licensed or proprietary data such as traffic counts
* Two-way access to your company’s data. Any changes or additions are shared with your entire company.
- Upload photos to proprietary or shared store databases
- Add comments
- Move stores to the correct locations
- Edit store data
* Drive-time polygons
* Use your personal favorite locations for easy access
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