Yasher koach!
Today’s daf, Bava Basra כא, explains how the yeshiva system developed so that children without fathers should also learn Torah. I grew up without a father, and now, at the age of nearly forty, I learn Torah every day, thanks in part to the Torah App. I learned about the App through the OU magazine. I had long been searching for an alternative to Sefaria, whose database of texts is unparalleled but whose interface and stability has serious problems. In particular, the Sefaria mobile app loses your place when the screen rotates from landscape to portrait mode and vice versa. Some of the user-generated translations are also subpar. By contrast, the Torah App is not as fancy-looking in its interface as Sefaria, but is much more user-friendly. The engineers and developers of the Torah App understand that “form follows function” and the most important thing is that the app works. Now I use the Torah App for Shnayim Mikra v’Echad Targum, and only use Sefaria for finding a pasuk intermittently. The Torah App needs to improve its reliability of recall for shiurim, as they sometimes to fail to load and it’s necessary to reload them. However, it’s the best Torah text app I’ve seen. Yasher koach!