補軌神器!GPX Fixer!
以前常常會開啟GPX紀錄app來記錄旅程的點滴,但有時候總是會有意外造成紀錄中斷或忘記開啟,這個app的出現完全是救星!他可以透過相片彌補我漏掉的GPS軌跡紀錄,多我來說解決了很多很多過去常會面對的問題。 不過起初其實我並沒有很看好Photo Route,因為功能相當陽春,連路線的選擇都很少,能調整的並不多,經過開發者不斷努力,現在我覺得是該來評價的時候了,非常值得推薦給不管是登山、旅遊、或是任何想紀錄GPX的人,他真的很棒,非常推薦試試。 - I used to always rely on GPX tracking apps to log my journeys, but there were times when my recordings would stop unexpectedly or I’d forget to start tracking. This app is an absolute lifesaver! It fills in the gaps in my GPS recordings by using my photos, which has solved so many of the issues I used to run into. Honestly, I wasn’t too impressed with Photo Route at first. The features were pretty basic, and there weren’t many route options or adjustments you could make. But after seeing the improvements the developer has made over time, I think it’s finally time to give it the review it deserves. It’s a great app for anyone who loves hiking, traveling, or just wants to log GPX tracks. Highly recommend giving it a try!