Interaction with Elements on the Site
Your site would be better with a Guide to direct users to what they may benefit from most. Maybe ask a few questions to the user to understand their needs: e.g.: test prep, or specific review of a topic, etc, which then directs user Can also consider a primer type note for the modules answering “Why would my user want to use this module?” - Overall good site for items but organization is not intuitive - When developing your site: think from the eyes of the USER, not developer, ask “what will my user need or want?” - time limits and continuity / transition from modules should be improved - Also, would be nice to have a summary sheet of what benefits have been bought and expiration dates along with if the item should or could be extended - For tests, consider giving the option of: immediate score OR score at the end, it time for the immediate answer AND the test taker has apprehension of being “right or wrong” which may influence their mind set for the next question. Though clearly everyone has their own preference - Content of items is generally very good DMD and NJD