Trust Issues or I’d buy the app today...
The test app offers little more than drawing a box and moving it... So what? For those of us that wish to import photos, PDFs and such, draw on them, move around arrows need to be assured that the app works... Most of us are not Artist, but we can draw lines, and such pointing at what we need to point to. Most video editors give nice zooms and text, that is usually good enough... Yet, for those if us that want to be a little more creative would gladly purchase the App if we knew it worked... I suggest you give us a test drive and let us see how it works with the full features. I’d also suggest a $5 buck price as most of us are Educators anyway. Why the hassle to deal with ITunes or any other group... Lastly, I’d suggest you create an optional background such as Black Board, Cork Board, Green and Blue Screens... Thanks, looking forward to your reply... Harvey.