Easy to use, motivates me to actually time my solves.
I’m a fairly casual cuber, and don’t often time my solves, but the ease of use of this app and the intuitive UI has motivated me to start timing, and improving my times. I’ve been practicing my 5x5 a lot recently, and trying to get a consistent sub-5 mins for months now, and the availability of always having a reliable timer right in my wrist is something I didn’t know I needed. Now all I have to do is screenshot the times during each session and write them down when I get a chance. The only critique I have about this brilliant app, is that I’ve noticed the averaging of times is somehow way off at times. For instance, trying it out for 3x3 times as a baseline, only two times were recorded-1:06.12 and 53.82, and somehow the app calculated an average of 1:56.42 when it should be 59.97. I can’t for the life of me figure out how it came to that conclusion, but I have a screenshot if the Dev would like to reach out.