Can’t decide what to watch? Find your next favorite show or movie with Watchworthy, your personalized streaming guide. Powered by real fan ratings and advanced data science, Watchworthy helps you discover what you’ll love across your multiple streaming services.
Watchworthy’s exclusive WORTHY SCORE predicts how much you’ll enjoy shows and movies, based on your unique taste. The more you rate, the smarter and more accurate your recommendations become.
Could Watchworthy be your new best friend? Probably not (there are apps for that). But Watchworthy is an uncannily accurate, super-intelligent watch assistant that learns what YOU like and personally matches you to new shows and movies. So stop wasting time endlessly scrolling through your streaming services, and discover shows and movies you’ll love with Watchworthy.
How It Works:
• Personalized Recommendations for TV & Movies: Start by selecting the streaming services you use, like Amazon Prime, Apple TV+, Disney+, Hulu, HBO Max, Netflix, Paramount+, and over 50 others.
(NOTE: A paid subscription is required to watch some shows and movies; Watchworthy does not provide or promote illegal streaming or downloading of copyrighted content.)
• Next, tell us what you love, like, and dislike by rating popular TV shows and movies.
• (cue magic) Get matched to shows and movies based on your WORTHY SCORE. The higher the score, the more we think you’ll love it. It doesn’t end there; the more you rate, the smarter Watchworthy becomes!
Your All-in-One Streaming Guide:
• Perfect Match: Tell us a few of your favorite shows, and Watchworthy will match you with the perfect new show or movie to watch next.
• Browse by Mood, Genre, and Streaming Service: Whether you’re craving a new thriller, a comedy, or a classic film, Watchworthy’s filters make it easy to find exactly what you want to watch.
• Create & Share Watchlists: Organize your TV shows and movies into personalized watchlists. Want to share your picks? Collaborate with friends and family to build the perfect group watchlists based on a group WORTHY SCORE.
• Stay Updated: Check out new releases, trending shows and movies, and what’s popular right on the app’s home screen.
Watchworthy in the Press:
• “The New ‘Watchworthy’ App From Ranker Is EXACTLY What We All Need Right Now” — BuzzFeed
• “… Watchworthy… might just be the solution TV lovers have been looking for…” — Elite Daily
• “It’s the only statistically relevant, crowd-sourced recommendation app on the market. And the only one you’ll need!” — Pop-Culturalist
• “The antidote for viewers who are overloaded by the bewildering array of program choices in the Peak TV era.” — VideoNuze
Awards & Recognition:
• The Webby Awards: Best Mobile User Experience (Nominee)
• The Webby Awards: Best Entertainment App (Nominee)
Download Watchworthy today and find the next show or movie you’ll love!
Have any questions? Email us at:
[email protected]
(NOTE: Watchworthy recommends content from streaming services. Some streaming services require a paid subscription to watch. Watchworthy does not provide or promote illegal streaming or downloading.)