XTRAKARE connects caregivers and licensed healthcare pros with facilities and seniors nationwide.
Caregivers and healthcare professionals
* Earn by accepting CAREGIVERS, HHA, CNA, CMA, RN, or LPN shifts locally.
* Work flexible shifts
* Clock in and out using the XTRAKARE APP
* Get notified instantly about new Shifts
Seniors and families looking for care
* Connect with the right caregiver at an affordable rate
* Quickly post shifts, message caregivers, and receive instant replies.
* Review and pay invoices
* We handle payroll and taxes, so you don't have to worry.
Healthcare Facilities
* Easy onboarding
* Post unfilled shifts with ease
* Message caregivers or healthcare pros.
* Cost savings compared to traditional staffing agencies
* Review and pay invoice
Per diem shifts available on the XTRAKARE app for:
Registered Nurses (RN)
Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) Or
Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVN)
Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA)
Certified Medication Aides (CMA)
Learn more at www.xtrakare.com
Or Have any problems, questions, or feedback? Email us at
[email protected].