DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS’s full of ads popping up at thee most inappropriate time. While the game itself is good and requires thinking the sneaky developers fool you and I hate being ripped off. I went to remove the ads and there were two payment methods. The mower expensive one offered all weapons and characters for €5.99 and the least expensive one was €2.99. I bought the more expensive one for the sake of €2 I said why not. When back in the game ads kept coming.....even more frequently then before which meant they wanted me to go back and spend a further €3 to stop the ads. What a terrible thing to do to someone making them double purchase. Any app I ever knew was ad feee once you made a purchase. Sneaky bastards is all you developers are catching everyone out. Return my money I’m deleting the game and flagging your company. Horrible horrible people(if you can be called that)