Connectivity issues for oversea users
I’ve been using FitTime app since 2015 before studying abroad & back when its logo was still blue. I noticed that the old blue app no longer process my login, and changed to this newer one today. The video is just really broken, and none of the 3 lines worked out well. I prefer the older version where all moves of a program are pre-recorded and can be downloaded in advance. 2015出国前开始用的,2017年起主要以MMA为主就闲置了两年,等疫情在家还想继续用的时候发现已经没法登录了。今天下了新app,重新注册了,但是视频卡得不行,也不能像以前一样提前加载课程里每个分动作的视频。试过了三个线路都没法连贯跟完一套体能训练,有点失望。