This app is FX rubbish! Only tiny little words said if you open one small link then the driver will only delivery to you by time. Otherwise you have to wait hundreds to get your items! Also! The drivers are rude, they will call you hundred times to push you give them a code number even you have not received items or they will yelling and abuse you said you know nothing! When you call the customer service to complain, they will only clam down you and do nothing! 这个软件就是骗人的,骑手会接其他活,比如你记得火烧火燎他半路截到其他订单了。 两次都没有送到货!打给客服只会敷衍!只有在选择地址之后的页面下有一个很小的很小的按钮告诉你如果你想直送要加钱!我估计没几个人能看到,这就是附加的隐藏消费! 今天这单更奇葩,骑手直接辱骂本人,自己不认路骂我话多!我的天啊! 这个软件就是差到家了!谁用谁倒霉!