Bookmate. Books and audiobooks

Read & listen to great books.

Published by: Bookmate


— Stacks of ebooks and audiobooks in 12 languages
— Get recommendations from friends, experts & editors
— Keep your ebooks, audiobooks, quotes & notes with you
— So much choice
With a Bookmate subscription you’ll have access to a huge collection of ebooks and audiobooks — bestsellers, classics, business books and more — in 12 different languages; including English and Spanish. Even our free account offers 50,000 titles!
— Smart suggestions
Experts and other booklovers create themed bookshelves. Browse them, subscribe, and receive regular updates. Bookmate also makes recommendations based on your preferences. The more you read or listen, the more accurate our recommendations!
— Everything in one place
All your books, quotes, and notes get saved in Bookmate. Read or listen anywhere: in the subway, at the beach, on a plane. Keep your favourite books on your device to enjoy them offline. Readers can also upload ebooks in .epub or .fb2 format.
— Sharing stories
Friends are great at recommending books you’ll love. With Bookmate you can keep up with what they’re reading and listening to, and find new friends with similar interests. Share your books, quotes, impressions, and get likes.
— Customise and get comfortable
For the best ebook experience, adjust the brightness and change the font or the background screen colour. Audiobook listeners can set a timer and change the speed to suit. Start and stop as needed — begin on one device and pick up where you left off on another.
Bookmate is an ebook and audiobook service that’s available globally. In addition to a free public domain catalogue, we also offer Standard, Premium, and Audiobook subscriptions, which give partial and complete access to our ebook and audiobook catalogues. These services are renewable on an annual or monthly basis, for a fixed monthly fee.
Renewal charges are automatically debited at least 24 hours prior to the end of the previous period. However, readers can manage their subscription package and choose to switch off the auto-renewal option in their Account Settings.
If a reader is on a free trial and chooses to purchase a subscription during that time, they forfeit any unused portion of the free trial period.

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Got any questions? Contact us at [email protected]
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4,690.00 ₱
499.00 ₱
Standard subscription
279.00 ₱
Premium subscription to Bookmate
439.00 ₱
Bookmate Audio subscription
749.00 ₱
Оne month
99.00 ₱
369.00 ₱


Bookmate FAQ

  • Is Bookmate free?

    Yes, Bookmate is free to download, however it contains in-app purchases or subscription offerings.

  • Is Bookmate legit?

    🤔 The Bookmate app's quality is mixed. Some users are satisfied, while others report issues. Consider reading individual reviews for more context.

    Thanks for the vote

  • How much does Bookmate cost?

    Bookmate has several in-app purchases/subscriptions, the average in-app price is 1,017.71 ₱.

  • What is Bookmate revenue?

    To get estimated revenue of Bookmate app and other AppStore insights you can sign up to AppTail Mobile Analytics Platform.

User Rating

4.55 out of 5

33 ratings in Philippines

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Bookmate Reviews

The widget disappeared T_T

jijijiaooo on


After updating to the latest version the widget somehow disappeared and I really like the widget that bookmate offer such a shame ._.

Great but it is very lag

kittttttttykaaaat on


My girlfriend has been using this app for a while now; however, she keeps on complaining how it always lags. You'd have to exit and reopen the app for it to flow smoothly again. Hoping you'd improve it for a better reading experience. Thank You!

Download trouble

Rhon Go on


Make downloading audio books easier. I can’t leave my phone open while I download all the books I want to listen to offline.


annajadine on



Very convenient!

Bracheorosus on


Very convenient, I just hope there are more books to be here and different authors too! I hope you'll add more books 💛

Lovin it

RonGrace&Gaby on


Bookmate is my go to app for discovering new books!

Good app

top10man on


The reading sync between devices though is slow to update.

Lukker ofte ned

Bastazzzzzzzz on


Bedst som man lytter til en lydbog, lukker appen ned, lidt svært og genåbne når man køre bil. Sommetider sker der med få minutters mellemrum, eller når man vil afspille igen hvis man har pauset filen. Jeg bruger altid øre ting, så jeg kan høre uden og blive generet af lyde omkring mig. Ellers elsker jeg og bruge lydbogen, når det virker uden man skal genstarte appen flere gange.

Voldsom prisstigning!

CNImp6600 on


Det er da noget af en prisstigning der lige kom der. Går fra kr.599 til hele kr. 1490 Og så er rækkefølge i en serie stadig ikke noteret - må stadig Google forfatter for at starte med den rigtige boven ikke helt om det er prisen værd at fortsætte

Har betalt i mange år uden at bruge det og NU hvor jeg vil på kræves betaling igen igen🙁

Katja Ruth on


Jeg har haft abonnement de seneste ca 5 år og har brugt det om and off og faktisk indtil i dag med stor glæde. Men nu sker der det, Selv om jeg er logget på, så vil Bookmate opkræve nyt abonnement med betaling igen igen! Jeg er allerede kunde og betaler, selv om jeg har været passiv kunde i lang tid. Det er umuligt for mig at høre mere end 10 min- som om jeg kun har et prøveabonnement. Hvorfor?

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App Info

Bulgarian, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, English, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian
Recent release
11.5 (2 months ago )
Released on
Aug 18, 2010 (14 years ago )
Last Updated
6 days ago
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