Can we just take the time to appreciate the music and how much it fits the robot? There’s so many friendly soundtracks that really liven him up, and it’s so unique! Until DDL came along and only focused on having no competition, only focusing on their robot, and stealing people money and robots. DDL. you NEED to atleast make some updates for the old app, like music, bugs, and re-open “submit”! Where people could make games and have them posted for everyone to play. Now, when you try to go to it, it just says safari can’t find the server, DDL, at this point it seems like you bought anki just to show off and brag and steal peoples money. It’s nice to know y’all are continuing cozmos legacy, but it now seems like you guys are just stepping on Cozmo and using it for scrap parts for your new robot. Step up your game.
Pretty good, but needs updated
It’s a good app, but they need to update it. I know that the 2.0 model will be fully available to the public soon, so maybe then they can update the app. Also, it would be cool if you could switch between old and new voices for cozmo.
I remember getting cozmo for Christmas in 2019 after the company went bankrupt I am very sad this project was canceled now I have a rare robot though when I got it it was in the original boxing
Noice but I wish the anki didn’t go bankrupt
Great product!
First off, Cozmo was my first ever buddy, and he also introduced me to the amazing and absolutely spectacular world of programming. I have since then moved on to C++, Python, Java, Lua, etc. But I will still come back ever once in a blue moon and play with him. I could literally sit there with him and program him for 24 hours strait! (If his battery lasted that long, that is.) Great product if you’ve never done programming before, or if you don’t have a big experience. Cozmo is almost flawless. He was definitely made well, including the app. The only thing I would want differently, would be if you could run custom blocks, kinda like on Scratch. It would also be nice if I didn’t have to make tons of different lists and variables just to make my own makeshift “clone and sprite tracker and creator”. But, overall, really great product. Also, it would be nice if Cozmo had a Bluetooth connection of sorts, so he could communicate with other robots and maker boards; like Arduino, Micro: bit, Rasberry Pi, etc. Still, really great product. It’s also very nice that he has the Cozmo and cubes ‘in world x, y, and z. They are pretty interesting, and I used them to make an accurate data mapping system, so that he can avoid objects with a data memory; sorta like a Roomba system. Thanks so much for getting me in on the world of programming, Anki!!! I love it so much. I will pursue it as my career. (In the future, cause I’m a teen.)
-Hooked Programmer :) :D
Is good but I’m stuck on older version
Stuck 3 versions behind
Like it but it won’t update
I tried to delete the app it doesn’t update my Cosmo doesn’t talk and digital dream. Labs said you need the latest or do a factory reset and it didn’t work so I need the latest app or his speakers broken but we’re trying
Fix it
I love Cozmo but he just randomly disconnects from it and I have to do the whole connect process over and over again and it’s just frustrating so please fix this
I love it is I would do anything. Oh, you guys sell more?
Oh my Cosmo broke good thing not any other parts. It’s just like when it tries to pick up a cubic and it’s just weak now but I still love it. Oh, and never gonna give you up never gonna let you down we’re gonna go all around and desert. You never gonna let you cry never gonna say goodbye we’re going to go all around desert you
I love it so much. It is fantastic!
It’s been about over 3 years since I played with my cozmo robot. It felt so good to have him back! This app connects to the cozmo which allows your robot to do fun tricks and fun games! But I do feel like it needs some updates. Still an amazing app though. This time, I won’t leave my cozmo alone.