Signup issues
The whole process for signing up is just broken. I spent over an hour between two devices - first just getting registered as a user. Then trying to start a free 30-day trial of the Business user - the billing system… my card expires in 2029, yet for some strange reason, the only years I can select from begin with 2016 and end with 2026. So I tried an older card that expires this year. That seems like it should work, right? Well, once I get all the way through that whole process and click the submit button, the page just loads for a few seconds and then nada. Like I didn’t even try submitting. I don’t know why it’s such a painful and extremely difficult process, but all I know is that this was my experience. I was really looking forward to beginning to use this utility. However, this whole process makes me second guess if I can really trust housing my data here or not.