I find the Exoplanet database quite rich in acquiring knowledge from the "unknown". The Cosmos is a vast world of inexhaustible exploration! The findings so far achieved also show the unlimited capabilities of the human mind to conquer knowledge, by digging into the universe trying to find out whether there is another life out there. Something tells me there is! Or Is there? But it is the steadfast determination of the few Astronomers, etc, that can only help us find out. Will we ever find out? This is a question begging for answers. I think we will find out. How, I don't know. One thing that has intrigued me since my growing up years, is the fact that man has unlimited capacity to delve into the great unknown and we continue to dig. In fact man has increased in knowledge every new day. The last hundred and thirteen years appear to have been multiplying in 'quantum', how much man has discovered new things, new theories, new ideas, etc and we are still discovering. Therefore, it maybe only a matter of time before we find out that there is a terrestrial body that contains life either just like Earth or very different from the way we know it. The other side of this argument may be that God wants us to keep trying to find out but while only Him knows how, when, where, what or who we will find out there! It may not be anytime soon. The truth is, I enjoy the search game we are endlessly trying to engage in, with the Unknown Supreme! I am always marveling at those new Exoplanets that are discovered almost everyday! With the Hubble Telescope and the many more newly developed extra sharp telescopes being developed, I will not be surprised what will be discovered next! The fertility of the human mind and his curiosity have predicted long before now the fact that there is life out there somehow. But where?! That we will have to wait and see, hear or even feel! So much talk about the Universe that contains countless galaxies. Now some are saying there may be multiverses, not just universes! It is an endless unknown and we cannot even scratch the surface of our own Solar system talk less of Galaxies but I enjoy the endless adventure into the unknown! Well done daring drillers! Soni Irabor, CEO Inspiration Radio, Lagos, Nigeria. (Talk Show Host of Soni Irabor Live!)