Hive Social
Social Media
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Share content and connect to people you love on Hive.

- Express yourself with our customizable Music Section
- Full app color themes and zodiac signs
- Explore trending and new content on our Discover page with tons of communities
- New Asks feature where you can get to know creators better
- Repost, share, and reply to posts or upload Gifs with our Gif feature
- Easily grow your account with an algorithm that boosts your organic reach

We make it easy for you to discover content you enjoy, whether it's photos, videos, or statuses. Our music feature allows you to express yourself, our Asks feature makes it even more fun to interact with other users, and with our chronological home feed, you'll never miss a post from your family and friends either.

Explore your favorite content on Hive.

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Please e-mail [email protected] where our support team will assist you as soon as possible.
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2nd Profile Playlist Slot
3rd Profile Playlist Slot
4th Profile Playlist Slot


User Rating

3.39 out of 5

2,086 ratings in United States

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PolandVSBeyonce276543 on

I wish the retweet was really copy

Love give

A concerned Bee on

Very user friendly I love it but it seems to have a few bugs the profile songs section acts up it won’t show songs it won’t let me listen if I try to add songs it says they are already in use. When it says I have none.

Has potential, but the Devs abandoned the app

Garudyne on

Exactly as the title says. Has potential and honestly I enjoy the features a lot, but the last time the devs posted anything was in October 2023. App is dead and filled with either people using it to connect for s3x work or straight up NFT scam posts. I would love to see the app cleaned up a bit and to see the devs back, but it’s very unlikely

App i oh s trash

Bbb1444444 on

I download app put my age and their no button to advance just sits on keyboard. Don’t waste your time on this app

STILL BROKEN months later

viola mad on

EDIT: They finally added music yay! It’s broken too 😶 I can’t attach screenshots or I would, but for literally months I’ve been unable to edit the songs on my profile. There’s one song box that’s whited out and I can’t even attempt to edit it. And as other reviewers have stated, the owner of this app couldn’t care less about the users and you won’t get a response for support. Trash trash trash app. Just give up already. The app went down in November or December for security concerns and came back after a few weeks but when it returned all the features were broken. They asked for patience given that they are a small team and I understand that completely. However I don’t understand why every time an update is coming, the team lies to the users about which features will be returning. The music feature to this day is STILL broken, for instance, and they’ve promised its return with nearly every update. The CEO of Hive who goes by Ralucca on there even posted a news article that praised the music feature as one of the things that sets Hive apart… HELLO? You don’t even HAVE that feature anymore!! What are you even DOING?


myeyesbroke on

I think my hive is broken I only follow 9 people but it stays I’m following 14 ? What do I do

Hive is better

The1Breester on

Seriously. It’s better. Smaller community of people, there’s no “groups” to join.. there isn’t an abundance of adds while you scroll. It is what you like.

Hive social

jr629 on

It says there is an error connecting to hives social back end and the app doesn’t work Please fix


ultra_arts on

They kept hyping themselves up signed up when everyone thought Twitter was going to explode, when I tried signing up it forced me to use my phone number to sign up instead of my email and for months I could not change it now I have a new phone number, cannot log into my account since it was linked to my old number unable to change it cuz "it's not feeling well" tried to make a new account with my email and apparently it already exist but I can't change the password even tho I only signed up with my (old)phone number and there is no "forget password" to send me a email to reset my password Honestly this app reminds me of threads half baked coming out too early before it was all ironed out for release


arieldavis0944 on

I wish people would stop screenshotting my page and Bio even when I have it on private people find ways and still do it I wish Hive would do a new update on this and keep folks safe and not unsafe to the point they want to stop using Hive App please keep people protected at all times thank u

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App Info

Hive Social, Inc.
Recent version
2.9.1 (9 months ago )
Released on
Oct 18, 2019 (4 years ago )
Last updated
5 days ago