Played couple of times, some things to point out. 1. Getting a student loan then a career job is just dumb. Tax and expenses will leave you with no disposable income. Increment/pay raise is too low. Job promotion takes probably 3 years + of clicks. There is no warning signing if you accidentally click on the “+” button for other career jobs which resets your pay raise and promotion % completion. 2. Housing loans is flawed. Buying it is basically adding a huge ton of debt and expenses which leads to your death. You cannot rent it out unless you pay 100k cash to unlock that which you will never get on time. 3. Ended up “winning” which in my own term is having 100’s of millions by spending 2-3 years dumpster diving and selling them on market where i wont get tax! Earning up to 65k to buy the bicycle business. This ended up giving me a net of $70 income after deducting expenses. Best thing yet is it is non taxable. Went by the days earning passive income and duster dumping until I have $50k. Taking the bachelors degree with cash generated more cash since I'm earning net passive income. Then the rest is just simply easy, click on anything that consume amount of days and you will earn easy money and skip time. 3. To be come immortal ; once you took the path of broken money making. Just reset the travels with $100k and start buying all the holidays back. Rinse and repeat, you’re an immortal. 5. At one point bottles cost $30 each. Cardboard cost $20. However, bicycle part just sells for <$10. Weird how common items sells more than rare. At this rate, career jobs or any other street jobs is not even worth the attention Conclusion; I broke the game in about 1.5 hours.