A more tempered review.
In regards to the game itself your most likely going to either hate it but want to keep playing or hate it and refuse to keep going, the main nuisances for anyone getting this game are that 1. The levels get extremely difficult fairly fast the first few are easy enough you might not 3 star em but meh fine least it’s progress, until you reach around about chapter/level 10 or 11 then the nightmare begins in earnest. 2. While the game is fun the levelling system for your living legends can be very long and drawn out if you get stuck anywhere making it feel slow and frankly not much of an achievement. 3. If you manage to get a legend to max level one way or another and then decide to check out a custom game there’s some bad news there too, custom games will quite often after you save and exit refuse to acknowledge that your character has actually got any perks, this includes things like discounts, extra health/attack etc which as someone who went through the hassle of getting a fully levelled legend is fairly annoying, yes I know the game is dated but still.