Pretty good
I’m very picky with games I’ve played just about every idle and RPG game you can thing of. This one is pretty great by my account if you do everything they offer (which is a lot) you can rack up a decent amount of summons and material. In one game binge I got over 100 summons (I will say I was gone for a bit and I am also a higher level player). I don’t like wasting money on games since a certain RPG made me hate doing that *cough dragon raja cough cough*. I can say honestly playing free you can get very far ofc there will always be a difference in those who do and don’t pay but the gap is less serious here. The AFK is a true AFK unlike other games I can just start the campaign and leave it on auto until fail while I do other stuff. Overall this game is fun, if you’re ADHD prone it has several types of game play and modes including puzzles. The characters aren’t bad and any character you dedicate time to can be OP. Believe it or not in this game formation does matter I’ve lost one match and just switch some characters around then won it. Mmm one thing I hate? Buying stuff again. Unfortunately if you do decide to pay I will say I think this game is overpriced and you don’t get as many thing for the price you pay but again I don’t typically do that so maybe I’m wrong but it doesn’t seem worth it. I will say at some point it feels like a pay to play but you genuinely just have to put time in it or like I do where you dip for a while and get “welcome back” stuff. 🙃 yuuup I think that’s it?