¡Inicia sesión ahora y obtén 3 sorteos gratis de 999! ¡Un regalo de las valquirias!
Omniheroes es un RPG inactivo de estrategia con temática de fantasía. ¡Queridos Omniguardianes, Palmarius espera por su salvación! A través de la oscuridad, rescata a las valquirias cautivas de los demonios y lucha junto a ellas contra el mal que amenaza el mundo.
> Reúne a más de 100 héroes.
Rescata a un grupo de valquirias cautivadoras y reclútalas en tus filas. Cada valquiria posee habilidades y encanto únicos. ¡Construye tu equipo definitivo! Inicia sesión ahora para disfrutar de cientos de sorteos gratis y elige a las valquirias legendarias que deseas.
> Involúcrate en profundidad para revelar las muchas facetas de tus valquirias.
Las valquirias residen en tu mansión. Cúralas y participa de interacciones encantadoras para desbloquear varios atuendos. Como recompensa, las valquirias también ayudarán a aumentar tu poder.
> Aumento de poder con un solo toque.
Desarrolla fácilmente a tus valquirias, mejóralas y poténcialas para desbloquear poderes ocultos en Palmarius. Disfruta de jugosas recompensas incluso en inactividad para que tu progreso no suponga grandes esfuerzos.
> Un festín visual y auditivo con efectos de alta calidad.
Contempla a más de 100 héroes encantadores y rebosantes de poder, diseñados y modelados por artistas gráficos de primera, mientras desatan habilidades espectaculares en gráficos 2D repletos de estilo.
> Actualizaciones emocionantes de temporada.
Cada temporada trae contenido nuevo y emocionante para que explores, por lo que te aseguras una experiencia de juego actualizada y emocionante. ¡La temporada 5 ya llegó! Participa en batallas épicas entre dioses y mortales, aúna fuerzas con héroes humanos y divinos para derrotar a las deidades y salvar el mundo. Cría dragones y participa en intensas Guerras dragontinas con otros gremios.
> Domina la arena mundial en PvP.
Elabora estrategias flexibles para reunir a los mejores e invencibles miembros de tu equipo y pelea con jugadores globales en feroces batallas de la arena. ¡Sumérgete en un espléndido banquete de sabiduría y poder, y domina a tus rivales para dejar tu marca personal en las mejores clasificaciones globales!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OmniheroesGame
Discord: https://discord.gg/kXwrq6kYud
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$39.99 Pack
USD 39.99
Mission Fund
USD 21.99
USD $0.99 Pack
USD 0.99
USD $1.99 Pack
USD 1.99
USD $2.99 Pack
USD 2.99
USD $4.99 Pack
USD 4.99
USD $9.99 Pack
USD 9.99
USD $14.99 Pack
USD 14.99
USD $19.99 Pack
USD 19.99
First Recharge Pack
USD 0.99
Omniheroes FAQ
Is Omniheroes free?
Yes, Omniheroes is free to download, however it contains in-app purchases or subscription offerings.
Is Omniheroes legit?
⚠️ Warning: Multiple users of Omniheroes have mentioned scam or fraud. Investigate thoroughly before using this app.
Thanks for the vote
How much does Omniheroes cost?
Omniheroes has several in-app purchases/subscriptions, the average in-app price is USD 11.89.
Pero la pantalla esta sobrecargada de íconos. Los efectos de sonido en las batallas son realmente MALOS y casi todos iguales. Es muy díficil conseguir oro, al menos eso veo, Los modos de juegos son demasiado diversos, al final ni se entienden. Me encantó que se pueda sacar muchísimos heroes, heroínas sin pagar nada, y entre ellos no solo basura sino legendarios, lo de 777 es verdad. Bueno, hay más pero con esto alcanza. Cuando haya efectos de sonidos que no sean basura como ahora, le doy un 5.
This is now the 4th time reporting this issue & STILL nothing has been fixed! I’ve tried to open the game for the past 2 days this time & everyday it says, “Account Verification in Progress”.. I wait, I tap everywhere on the screen & nothing happens.. I restart my phone completely & open the app again but still says the same thing.. This is ANOTHER 2 days of Daily Logins that don’t get counted.. And please don’t say it’s my WiFi again, it’s a glitch in YOUR game.. I just spent an hour playing Raid: Shadow Legends & not a single problem, at all.. I got out of that game & started Omniheroes.. Came to the “Account Verification in Progress” again & just stayed there.. I restarted my phone, pulled up the game & STILL “Account Verification in Progress”.. Please take my complaint seriously & don’t tell me it’s a wifi problem again because it isn’t.. One last chance: If this goes beyond 5 days again or u try to tell me it’s a wifi issue again then it’s GOODBYE.. I’m truly fed up with this.. I’m missing out on so much stuff & ur not trying to help me.. I really like this game & want to play it for a long time but ur not letting me.. I’ll just stick with Raid: Shadow Legends if this continues, because I don’t have a problem playing that game.. PLEASE HELP ME!!
999 summons is misleading
they make you have 24 pulls total to begin eith and you can only choose 1 batch. really misleading and not honest. if i pull them they should all be obtained. just let me choose a character instead of tricking players.
Free summons are a lie
Ok game, nice graphics, downloaded from a link that said 777 free summons, the app page says 999x3 summons, but in the game, the only free summons were 20 in the tutorial intro and the 2 dailies. Prob won't be keeping this one, seems like a cash grab despite the polish.
False advertising
The “999” free summons is an absolute lie. You get forty, having to select one set of ten from each group of summons on the days you get them. It’s a shame you have to lie to try and con people into playing you failure of a game.
Improvement over most other idle games
The other idle games better take notes from your game because it has many enjoyable events that don’t require much time.
Recycling heroes.
I love the game, however I would like there to be a way to recycle a hero so I don’t have 15+ duplicates of the same hero.
Male companions?
This game is very good! I just wished they had some male lovers :(
Really good
About 120 days in, I’m really enjoying this game. Lots of free rewards. Upon stabilization, about 1.5 hrs of gameplay per day. Seriously sexualized female heroes. Also like other AFK games where you level up 5 heroes and all the rest have the same level of the lowest of the 5. Sort of think Raid, but without having to do the stupid stuff. I used to spend 5+ hrs auto running battles on Raid. Now, none. There are quick battles and the rest are AFK. Spend more time on the strategy and less time on watching graphics jump around your screen. That said, seems like less strategy than Raid as not every hero needs individualized gear, just the 5. F2P players still get lots of pulls.
Update on story problem
So I’ve followed the advice from the developer’s response and unfortunately the story recap only went as far as Mission 8. I’m all the way up to Mission 16 and I still don’t know what the storyline is between that. If I had known that the quick battle or the auto battle would skip the dialogue part and not unlock it for me to read later, I would’ve just done regular battles instead of just speeding through it.