There is space for improvement
The graphics and the music are exceptional as they come and rather artistic. I enjoy listening to it looping or even using it as a decorating illustration framework at home on the iPad version! Everybody is asking what it is and what it can do! Sadly it drains the battery, since if screen is on battery safe mode, it will stop playing. As a user I would like to have the option to control this mode. I want to listen to the music when my iPhone is in my pocket and I am on the go, that's not possible now as the screen is always on for now. Also the is great interActivity with the visuals as you can stroke the screen for he graphics to change, but u find it kind if lifeless if that doesn't really have any affect apart for meaningfully stroking. At first interaction my expectation was that it would influence the musical piece and form some sort if dialogue with me and the soundtrack or give me some info like the background if each track perhaps. I hope my feedback may benefit the development of this otherwise interesting app.