Nice UI but falls short on features
Recently played with ubiquiti gear before moving to ruckus. Ruckus hardware is a night and day difference in terms of fixing phantom lag and dropouts, when latency matters most it’s killing it with superior coverage and quality; but app and GUI feel lacking no basic information back to the user on the interference it’s seeing on what channels and avoiding or channel fly is resolving. I can also reconfigure most things on the fly via the UniFi app, wishing it was as intuitive with ruckus. This might only impact unleashed as i am new to ruckus solutions UniFi seems to have the edge on app GUI as it does scans and provides reports back to the end user. Doesn’t deal with interference or coverage as well but basic reporting is there. Improve admin and analytics via the app and you can win over smaller operators with your superior hardware and scalable solutions. UniFi also allows for firmware check and auto update scheduling which I liked Obviously prosumer vs enterprise has different priorities but closing the gap for smaller operations would be amazing. Ruckus does do a lot of enterprise things better but some basic informational features and admin seem to be missing. Show me in reports and functionality that your gear is as amazing as my initial testing is leading me to believe. Currently running 2 r750 unleashed and covering more than .25 acres with usable wifi for video conferencing in an area with spotty cell coverage so excellent wifi is absolutely critical, no regrets