SynthMaster with iPad 3 ios 9 updated
Awarded synthesizer with many interesting new and old sounds is well designed app for iPad but with many areas still needing improvements in functionality and durability. I miss possibility to delete even built in sound presets that are only making my iPad totally freeze all of its functions and app need restart. Reinstalling app did not help as suggested from support team. Several sounds easily get activated by pressing virtual keyboard at iPad screen while browsing through the sound bank that I have purchased. I like to jam and play along some of electronic music sets that I play on big speakers and connect iPad to another one to add some effects or sounds. I wish if there was possibility to quickly tune each sound to mach what I am listening to also because most of the sounds are in different keys. If I have to play do, mi, so with one sound but change it to another I might have to play re, fa, la. There are also many sounds that can not get activated on my iPad and can not be deleted so they stay in the way while browsing long list of sounds or effects. Otherwise when the right sound is fast loaded and I am playing along with my favorite techno dj's then it is a lot of fun and can recommend it. I will get my self a mini midi keyboard to connect and play on that instead of iPad screen. From 1 to 10 I give it 7.5 points. Mate, Denmark