ThriftBooks: New & Used Books

Published by: Thrift Books Global


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The ThriftBooks app lets book lovers quickly and easily search, browse, get book details, and buy millions of books, textbooks, and graphic novels. Scan bar codes to compare prices and check availability to make sure you get the best book prices. Shop ThriftBooks Deals to get 10% off on more than 150,000 items every day. Join ReadingRewards to earn a FREE BOOK for every 500 points you earn. See personalized recommendations based on your interests and get an instant email notification when we receive an item on your wish list.
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ThriftBooks Reviews

Be careful what you order

Patmcgo on

United States

I received a book in very poor condition(broken binding, stained pages,gross!) It had been listed as “acceptable condition”. They say I can’t return it. Not happy!

Incredible Group and Service

AnalPate94 on

United States

I rarely visit book stores anymore. Thrift Books is my go-to for new and used books. Their customer service team is incredible. I just received a damaged book, reached out to their customer service department and received a response within five minutes. Amazing. I can’t recommend enough. 10/10.

This app is broken

asarakai on

United States

I love thrift books but this app is terrible! Ever since the iOS 18 update it just won’t work. When opening it, it just sits there with a spinning circle, the screen grayed out like it’s loading and it never loads. I close it and reopen and the same thing happens. This is problematic since you need the app to scan books for buyback. Please fix!

Wish you’d have a back arrow

Andrew W H Campbell on

United States

I use this app all the time and I frequently am frustrated when I click on a title or author and what to go back to the previous screen but can’t. There isn’t a means back where I came from. I wish you’d fix that.

slow shipping and messed up orders

The future famous Lady Lacy on

United States

I’ve given thrift books two tries now. I ordered 4 books a year ago and two of them never arrived. The two that did arrive were extremely beat up and had torn out pages. I decided to give them a try again this year thinking that maybe it was just a fluke, so I ordered two more books this time… it’s been 7 days and they still haven’t even shipped yet. Wishing I would’ve just paid a couple dollars more and ordered the items on Amazon and I’d already have them by now.

Never receive the condition I ordered

Graceandpeace2 on

United States

I’m done with thrift books after 8 out of every 10 books I order come in disgusting conditions! I only ever order Good, Very Good, or Like New conditions, and almost every time I receive something that should be in the “Acceptable” category. I’ve ordered “Like New” that specified a 2011 printed edition and instead received a 30 year old copy printed in the 80s that was stained and dog-eared. My most recent order was a “Good” and the book that came had ever inch covered in grime and had literal clumps of dog hair stuck to it… ew! After I complained to customer service, they were quick to send out a replacement. Well their replacement just arrived and it is FAR worse. Not only is it missing its entire sleeve cover (it’s a hardcover), but it has mold spots! This is the last straw and I will not be using ThriftBooks anymore, but will be trying Half Price Books instead.

My opinion counts!

Auldlangdied on

United States

Thrift books is my go to place for anything that I like to read, I really feel that they go above and beyond for helping people find great reading material at a price everyone can afford these days! Great stuff,great service and great customer support,I really appreciate all they do for me and it keeps barnes and noble and books a million humble and in their place,Fantastic books and services,I really come here first and recommend them to everyone I ever see in the high end book stores! Love you guys. Sincerely Shawn Allds,Murfreesboro Tn .

Book prices no longer thrifty

Raist999 on

United States

12-23-24 Book prices remain unreasonable. Haven’t shopped here in some time. Long time Thriftbooks purchaser. Prices are now reflective of collector pricing rather than thrifty pricing this site used to maintain. Plenty of other places that offer same books much cheaper. Change your name Thriftbooks. You no longer represent a good value on most books.


Jascribbles on

United States

Unfortunately it freezes so often for me, I cant do anything.

Love ThriftBooks! Hate the app

Fgjbdbdbdbbd on

United States

ThriftBooks books is an amazing website, I’ve bought so many good quality books from them over the years and I haven’t had any bad experiences honestly. Delivery is always smooth for the most part and when I have had issues, customer service was very helpful. HOWEVER, the app is terrible. Nowadays when I open it I can’t even track my package because the page won’t stop loading. Sometimes I can’t do anything in the app because when I open it, the loading icon is just swirling for literal eternity. Not sure why they won’t update this app it’s completely unusable at times

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