Good enough but not perfect
I enjoyed playing through Ys II for the most part. I did have an issue with the controls, however. Whether I used locked pad or slide pad, the direction the game read my input was too sensitive. For example, with locked pad and 8-directional movement, Adol would almost never walk straight in the direction I thought I was moving him in; instead he’d move slightly off center. So if I was moving him to the right, he’d veer off and eventually move diagonally up-right. It’s more obvious with 360 degree movement as you can see that he almost never walks straight but instead veers off slightly. With the controls the way they are, parts of the game that didn’t give me any issue on PC or console gave me a lot more issues in this version. I played it on easy after experiencing similar issues with Ys I (mobile) on normal. It made aiming especially troublesome. I found that the best control scheme was the slide pad with 8-directional movement but it is still not ideal and Adol would still move unexpectedly, sometimes missing enemies I meant to bump into or being unable to avoid projectiles or aim my fire magic properly. My device is iPhone 13 Pro Max running iOS 15.6.1. Touch controls only, I do not have any game controllers synced to my phone.