Australia's #1 Calculator! Download Calculator₊ Now - Your All-in-One Maths Whiz!
Get ready for the biggest upgrade to Calculator₊ in a decade! With a whopping 200 million+ downloads and over 3 million 5-star ratings, Calculator₊ is the go-to calculator for millions worldwide. And now, it's even better!
Way More Than Just a Basic Calculator!
•Standard Calculator: Breeze through everyday calculations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
•Scientific Calculator: Tackle complex maths with ease, including trig, logarithms, and exponents.
•Calculation History: Keep track of your calculations with a detailed history log.
•Unit Converter: Effortlessly convert between units like inches to centimetres and heaps more, making it perfect for everyday use.
•Percentage Calculator: Calculate increases, decreases, discounts, and changes with pre-designed fields that do the maths for you.
•Currency Converter: Convert currencies in real-time, even Bitcoin, with up-to-the-minute exchange rates.
•Fraction Calculator: Work seamlessly with fractions – a lifesaver for students and professionals alike.
•Ad-Free Bliss: No more annoying full-screen ads – just pure, uninterrupted calculation.
Prepare to be Amazed by Our AI-Powered Maths Solver!
•AI Maths Solutions: Get instant answers to equations, quizzes, and word problems with our cutting-edge AI. Use the Photo Solver to snap a pic of any problem, and Calculator₊ will solve it for you like magic.
•Maths Notes: A dedicated note-taking space for all your maths needs. Jot down equations, diagrams, and notes in a way that makes sense.
•Instant Maths: In Maths Notes mode, write an equation, add an "=", and Calculator₊ will solve it as you go – it's like having a maths tutor right there with you.
Why Choose Calculator₊?
•Proven Track Record: Over a decade of delivering fast, reliable calculations.
•Loved by Millions: Join the 200+ million users who swear by Calculator₊, with an average 4.7-star rating from 3.5 million reviews.
•Versatile & Powerful: Handles everything from basic sums to advanced scientific calculations. Perfect for school, work, or life.
Celebrate the Update with a Special Gift!
To mark this massive update, we're giving you a 1-MONTH FREE TRIAL of our premium features, including:
•Ad-Free Experience: No more pesky ads.
•Unlimited AI Maths Solving: Solve as many problems as you like.
•Unlimited Fraction Calculations: Perfect for students and number crunchers.
•Unlimited Currency Conversions: Including real-time Bitcoin conversions.
•Premium Customer Support: Get priority help from our expert team.
Got questions or suggestions? Our support team is here to help. Just shoot us an email at
[email protected].
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