Everything and More
This app tells me so much about my home and is surprisingly accurate to the power companies meter. After just a couple of weeks I’ve learned that my washing machine breaker isn’t being used, but in reality it is actually on the same breaker as my dishwasher. There is a wire coming out of the washer breaker but has never had any power. Next I learned that changing my furnace filter, actually reduced the wattage on my blower. I just assumed it was constant power but it actually reduced it by 50 watts after replacing out the 3 month old filter. My TV was having more and more issues with streaming. My wife thought that it was the WiFi but after I installed this monitor I found that the TV was always pulling about 12 watts, even when off.? I found that the TV was never truly shutting all of the way down so I put a smart plug on it and cycle the power at night. Not only does it stop pulling power after the plug turns back on, but now the TV does a full start up there first time it’s turned on and the streaming problems are so much better. It just needed a full reboot, basically like a computer. The app is very user friendly and shows me everything at any level of detail that I could ask for and so much more. It can be a little glitchy sometimes until I blow it out of memory and load it fresh but it has already helped me in so many ways including verifying my solar is working and feeding the house the right amount. I show it off to everyone and highly recommend it.