Felt is the highest quality, most personal way to send real, handwritten cards and photos to friends and loved ones. Your handwriting is 100% authentic, like you wrote it with pen and paper. It’s personal mail for the modern world: beautiful, fun and couldn’t be simpler.
- Felt cards are 4 inches wide x 4.5 inches tall. We call them card frames.
- You can create an accordion-style card by connecting up to four card frames.
- Multiple card frames come with a micro-perforations between each fold.
- Card frames options include greeting designs, photos from your library, plastic gift cards, and real cash money!
- We use premium Mohawk paper and Kraft envelopes.
- We hand apply a first class stamp and try to mail them within 24hrs.
- You can send your Felt card to one person or multiple recipients.
- Felt cards start at just $4, including postage! Add just $1 for each additional card frame.
- Buy Felt Credits and cards start as low as $2.40. Save your cash for that next adventure!
- Subscribe and send 3 cards for only $5. Cards can have up to four frames each!
- Make it a gift by adding flowers or a framed print. Your card and gift are mailed together, in the same box.
- Want to mail cards to everyone on your list? Go to this web page, log in and upload your spreadsheet. https://myfelt.feltapp.com/addressbook.
Just select one of our many original card designs, or select a photo from your phone. Then write a personal message on the front or back of the card with a stylus or just your finger. (Don’t worry you can type too, and we have several fun designer fonts to choose from.) You can then add up to three additional photos to your order, or a gift card. We print your cards, photos and handwritten message on premium Mohawk card stock.
Multiple card frames come in our own unique square accordion-style format, with micro-perforations between each fold. We seal them by hand in our custom, kraft-paper envelopes, add a first class hand-applied stamp and try to mail them within 24hrs.
We go to great lengths to make sure the final product is as personal and heartfelt as if you sent it yourself.
You can send a Felt card to just one person or send the same card or photos to lots of friends and family, to share and preserve your special memories. Felt is used by brides and new mom’s for sending all their thank you’s and it’s perfect for Holiday cards or any occasion.
Oh, snap. And there’s more:
- Delayed Delivery: Write a card today and select a future date for your card to arrive by. (No more missing your BFF's birthday because you had to wait until the last minute...and then forgot.)
- Drafts: Save drafts or completed cards to finish later or send the same again in the future.
- Handwritten Address Book: We save all your contacts in the Felt handwritten Address book! Easily keep track of the addresses you wrote, and quickly add multiple recipients to your order.
- Birthday Reminders: Add a reminder for your friend’s birthday, anniversary or any other event and we’ll remind you ten days before so you can send a card on time.
- Add real cash money or gift cards to your order for Birthdays or Holidays, or just because.
- International Shipping: Ship a Card anywhere in the world for only $1 more per recipient.
- Felt Credits: You can purchase Felt Credits and save up to 25% on every order.
- Custom Cards: Custom cards for your personal needs are available. You can provide us your design or work with us to create your own private card. Email
[email protected] to let us know you're interested.