It doesn’t auto save
This app is easy to use but It doesn’t autosave, which leads to the demise of my SpongeBob 3D model. The first time, I thought this app would save when you exit and close your iPad. but after 1 day, it resets and basically your model is completely wiped out. The second time, I knew I had to save my model because I don’t want to waste my efforts, but I forgot to save it due to the fact that when you exit the app and close your iPad, my model is still there, it gave me a illusion that it is an auto saving app like procreate and others. But well, it happened again and SpongeBob is holding on for it’s dear life, SpongeBob is now a amputee (he is now a sponge) 🧽🫥 and he has no face. 😊 Please add a autosave system because newbies don’t know your app doesn’t have that feature.