Useless for actual spoken languages enless you want to learn Spanish!
I’m currently learning Thai and thought the phrase book feature would be very useful but even though you are given a wide array of languages to type in. If you actually intend to use that language you are severely limited to around a choice of 5, with Spanish being the main one. Strange you are so keen to push European languages yet when trying to select native language, those of us who are English won’t find our flag despite also being part of Europe. The only option for English has an American flag next to it, love the Americans no offence intended whatsoever, but since the only phrase are mostly other European countries, it surely makes sense to list English as British English if you’re going down the European route? I’m sure most Americans would have no issue selecting standard English, very strange! The one part with audio if like me you’re learning a none European language is bad and should not be relied on for serious learners as vocal tone is completely absent and pronunciation is incorrect and extremely robotic, get an online language tutor who speaks British well to leach you their mother tongue - this is seriously your best bet!