Session disrupted by upsell window
This app seems pretty good, but it has a fatal flaw that severly compromises its usefullness. My therapist pays something like $30/month for the ability to be able to control EMDR sessions over the Internet. I'm using the free App on my Mac to connect to a session controlled by my therapist. I'm using Nintendo Joycon for their vibration feedback. My session keeps getting interrupted when the controllers stop vibrating. It took me a while to figure out why, but now I know that it happens if I accidentally click a button on one of the diamond pads. When I do, the App pops up a window that is trying to upsell me on a subscription that I have no need for (because my therapist is already paying) and when that happens, it stops driving the controllers. This app seems well thought through, otherwise, but this thoughtless monetization play severly undermines the value proposition for paying customers and their clients.