Ridiculous vitriol from mainstream media
I like getting weather and some local info, but your ridiculous mainstream media virtue that paints anybody who’s not a liberal as some kind of crazed enemy is ridiculous. The associated press is your most common reference source for national news and they are a ridiculous organization. Journalists and news outlets were supposed to be the voice of the people, all the people, not just a select group. Why don’t you do some real reporting and find some real facts and keep your feelings out of it or report from organizations that do that. Your article today on Trump‘s victory is absolute rubbish. Surely you have a journalist there that can report the information without all the bias and name-calling that has led to the division in this country over the last 10-15 years. The media has done far more damage to the relations and unity of this country than any politician or any other organization in the world. You have a tremendous responsibility so do better with it.