Room for improvements
This app promises 30 credits per month for unlocking documents. What they don’t tell you is that some documents are split in chunks of 5 pages, and that you need one credit per chunk. Thus, for my first course I needed 4 credits just for access to the problems/exercises after the first lecture. The chunks are split by page, so you need two consecutive chunks to read one problem ending halfway in the first chunk. There is no possibility to se the whole document as one. As a minimum, the solution could have merged all the chunks you have paid for. Alternatively, the solution should provide full documents only, with possible different charges per document based on length and/or complexity. The search function and the “Recommendations for you” section need improvements. When you have unlocked one chunk of a document, the recommendation should include the next chunk or the next logical document for the course first. Instead you get recommendations for documents several lectures away. Thus, you need to search for the full course name and document name every time you need the next document. Regarding the documents, they are shown with the solutions, and it is not possible to hide them. I want to think about every question first and find a solution, then check the correct answer. Perhaps a good idea is to include as an option also a document without the solutions for each unlocked document.