Switch Natural
Switch to safer products
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Scan any product in store or online to find out which ingredients are potentially harmful--no bar code necessary. Learn why an ingredient is toxic with descriptions and links to the research behind it.

Please note that this app is not designed for food or supplements.

*Patent Pending


User Rating

4.86 out of 5

207 ratings in United States

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Ratings History


Healthy Shopping Simplified

alpacafan224 on

Super easy to use app. Every flagged ingredient in a scanned product will have a brief explanation of why it’s cautioned, then links to the research that summary was based on. There’s also a list of recommended products and purchase links that cuts down on searching for a product if you’re in a hurry!


Sacost on

It does not keep your history like Yuka and taking a picture within the apps camera is not accurate. I took some within the apps camera and it said no harmful ingredients found, I found out this was because it did not properly scan the image, because when I retook it with my camera then uploaded the image to scan it found 1 harmful ingredient. Seems it should have a way to verify the picture was indeed scanned properly. I wish I could get a refund unfortunately..

Fav app!

TWWoman1 on

Such an amazing app! It runs very smoothly as well. I love that it not only helps you pick out non-toxic products but it tells you why the ingredients are harmful and links the studies backing it up! It's very easy to use and has a shop feature! If you're looking for anything the shop has it

Get it! You won’t be disappointed!

--1132 on

This app is a game changer. I was hesitant to pay $20 for this app but it was worth every penny! I’ve used all other types of apps and they scan barcodes which were never consistent and it didn’t catch every ingredient. Half the time it would say product not found and sometimes the products would change the ingredients list and you wouldn’t know by just scanning a barcode. With this app its a never fail every time when you’re scanning the ingredients list and not a barcode. You can also scan ingredients from a website too! And for $20 you can share the app with your family. I found the creator on Instagram and I’ve learned so much information. Thank you!

Love this app!

ljo2021 on

I try to buy the cleanest products but this app helped me realize a few of my products were not as clean as I like them to be. Will be switching those out because of this app. This app is so easy to use just scan the ingredients on back of product and it tells you if it’s clean or not. If the are some ingredients that aren’t clean it explains why. Love using this app when shopping! My new favorite app! Would definitely recommend!

So helpful!

LobsterUni on

100% worth the cost. Not only does this scan for portentously toxic ingredients, but it provides you with credible sources to studies about the ingredient so you can make your own informed decision. Also provides non-toxic swaps which made things so easy for me.

Love this app!!!!!

Allie_Kayy on

This app is averything I was looking for. It is so helpful and informative. It makes shopping for clean products so easy!!

Favorite Healthy Living App

AiredaleChaser on

This app helps me find safe products in store and online and teaches me about harmful ingredients. It’s such a time saver.

Absolutely love this App

stephwiththeredhair on

This app is so easy to use and gives me such peace of mind with all the purchases I make. Through my pregnancy and especially my breastfeeding journey it really gave me the ability to make safe informed purchases with products for me and my kids. Sad that you have to be your own advocate to find safe products but grateful that this app gives me the resources a to do so.

Thank you!

Lolosmom28 on

Andrea, I’d like to share a positive feedback with you. My 9month old son has been having diaper rash for the first time since he was born (due to him having diarrhea for the past few days. We went to a Fourth of July party yesterday and when we changed him at the party, he had a really bad diaper rash that he was screaming in pain. When we were heading home, I went on your app to quickly search for a diaper rash cream and found out that Whole Foods carry the product. I asked my husband to make a quick stop at whole foods (it was pouring out) to purchase the item that you recommended. I was in and out of the store in 2 minutes! Just wanted to thank you and your app! Love following you on IG as well!

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App Info

Switch Natural, LLC
Recent version
4.8.2 (1 month ago )
Released on
Jan 1, 2022 (2 years ago )
Last updated
5 hours ago